Idaho Legislative Update Weeks 2&3
There are many positive things happening this legislative session...
Every day at the capitol is busy. Whether it’s weekly Chairmen meetings, Bible studies, Caucus meetings, talking to citizens, or being on the House floor, I am constantly on the go.
The House Republican Caucus meets weekly to discuss key issues and set policy goals for the session. Last week, the Caucus voted on Legislative Council and Ethics Committee members, ensuring the Legislature operates with proper etiquette. School choice has emerged as a major focus for Republicans this year. There will be more efforts to expand social media presence, as the Caucus has hired a media specialist. Look for updates on socials from Idaho House GOP.
Over the last two weeks I have introduced the following bills:
Lab-Grown Meat and Insect Labeling: Last Thursday, I introduced a bill requiring clear labeling for lab-grown meat and insect-based products sold in Idaho. Three lobbyists contacted me, and let’s just say, opinions are as diverse as the ingredients in these products! One lobby organization is against the bill because its members believe all labeling should be done at the federal, not state level. Personally, I trust Idaho over the FDA when it comes to labeling lab grown meat or insects in my food! Watch
State Sovereignty Bill (Obergefell): My state sovereignty resolution passed committee last week and is heading to the House floor. Contrary to the media spins and misrepresenting narratives, this resolution simply encourages the US Supreme Court to respect state sovereignty and reconsider its Obergefell decision. Judicial activism must be addressed as the federal government does not grant or create rights. Watch
Flag Bill: I introduced legislation to ensure consistency and unity by limiting the flags flown by the state, counties, and cities to specific, meaningful symbols: the U.S. Flag, the State Flag, and the POW/MIA Flag. This measure reinforces respect for these important emblems while promoting a sense of shared pride and identity in our communities. Taxpayer money should not be funding the political agendas of government employees. You can watch part of my testimony here: Watch
You can also watch an interview of me talking about my all of proposed legislation on the Idaho Signal Podcast here: Idaho Signal-Heather
Upcoming Adoption Legislation: Idaho is leading the way on adoption legislation nationwide. At an adoption event hosted by Theresa Marcroft of Unplanned Good, Senator Tammy Nichols and I spoke on upcoming bills to support adoptive families and children in Idaho. You can watch a video of the event here: Video on Adoption in Idaho Senator Nichols and my part starts at minute 35:50
I met with a constituent who shared some eye-opening concerns about the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and water resources. Accountability remains key, and we’re digging into it. We definitely need to make sure executive agencies follow the law.
Two new Idaho citizen groups stopped by the capitol to share what they have been doing in 2024 leading up to this session. Secure Idaho and Idaho Families Strong are both working to help empower and engage more citizens to get more involved in the legislative process and in government. Both groups made presentations to the legislators and interested citizens.
Last week, I joined other members of the Idaho Freedom Caucus to tour a new unique living facility, Boardwalk on the River, constructed in Ada County. We capped off the evening indulging in authentic Hawaiian cuisine at Chicken in a Barrel. The owner of the Hawaiian restaurant has moved his family to Idaho full time. He made a great choice!
Disturbing Trends in Corporate Special Treatment
Lobbyists fill the Capitol halls, sharing concerns from their industries and hoping to gain favor and influence to affect proposed legislation. A surprising theme I have been hearing this year is a request for immunity, from various groups like power companies, schools, and the chemical industries. While some concerns are valid, granting blanket immunity isn’t the answer for the safety and wellbeing of Idaho families.
Giving immunity to groups of industries seems like a segue to socialism. Immunity often shifts the balance of power toward those who hold it, reducing accountability and leaving individuals or small entities with fewer legal options, stifling their voice and pushing the burden of costs on to the "little guy".
Another issue I am hearing is that doctors and medical professionals are frustrated with insurance companies interfering in the treatment decisions of their patients by suggesting alternative medicines or treatments other than what the medical professional deems is best for the patient. This practice undermines patient care, could have deadly consequences and seems to raise malpractice concerns. Insurance companies aren’t doctors, and it would be prudent for the legislature to address this now to set a strong precedence on this issue.
Positive Changes
There are many positive things happening this session, mainly because we have the most conservative legislature I have seen in 10 years, and we have the momentum of President Trump’s wonderful return to the White House. The state is fat with cash, and this will definitely be the year we have opportunities to make some major tax cuts. We ended this week with the introduction of a major bill to cut taxes giving approximately $252 million dollars in tax relief to Idaho citizens in the form of income tax relief, reduce capital gains on bullion trade, and reduce income tax for disabled and retired vets! Stay tuned, there are more tax relief bills to come!
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in what is happening in our state and in the legislative process. Despite disrupting efforts from mainstream media, I remain committed to transparency and communication.
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Thank you Rep. Scott for keeping Idaho citizens informed. Wish the reps from my district would do the same. Please include a link to the Bill's you introduce so we can read all of the info submitted to the legislature. Thank you again,
Signed Bob Stokes